All Wrapped Up Jamaica i Kingston 5

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Old Hope Road, Kingston 5, JM Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-927-5875
Latitude: 18.003259, Longitude: -76.780027
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Kommentar 5

  • bibsy bucknor

    bibsy bucknor


    Requested a last minute package from the united States to my baby in Jamaica and you guys did an amazing job . You guys were masterful at efficiency and accuracy. The recipient was very pleased . The quality of your package was immaculately impeccable . Keep up the good job . Definitely value for money .highly recommended 👍👍👍

  • Carla Petite

    Carla Petite


    Amazing customer service and timely delivery too.

  • Rashida Wynter-Donaldson

    Rashida Wynter-Donaldson


    Nice gift shop. Wide variety to choose from for males and females. Floral bouquets, fruit and food gift baskets. They offer delivery and the staff is friendly and helpful. They are a little pricey.

  • Shawn Thomas

    Shawn Thomas


    Although I went with a particular budget in mind (and it was busted) the patience and willingness of the employees to help me package a wonderful gift basket made it worthwhile. I want to say a big thank you to the staff and keep on giving good customer service. One love

  • Celeyon White

    Celeyon White


    All Wrapped Up provides exquisite/fine gift items and baskets as well as fresh floral bouquets. Staff is very helpful and friendly. It's never crowded, but be prepared to spend a bit of time inside. Whilst they are not cheap, they do a reasonable job tailoring something for your pocket (or credit card).

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