Appliance Traders Limited i Kingston

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Half Way Tree Road, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-3370
Latitude: 17.99886, Longitude: -76.7905182
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Kommentar 5

  • Carlene Foster

    Carlene Foster


    Good morning ATL. I have watched and heard you on Smile Jamaica on Tuesday morning , where you were advertising your AC promotion of 30℅ off...and from after 8am I'm put on hold and no one responded to me....until i heard busy signal in my ear.

  • April Woodhall

    April Woodhall


    My Boss purchased a NEW 24000BTU Panasonic AC from ATL on 10 March 2018. ATL insisted one of their Certified Technicians had to do the installation. After running behind the Technician for weeks he finally came and installed the Unit. When it was installed it was very noisey and he said something was wrong he would report it to the Company. 10 May 2018 he came back after calling and trying to reach him for 4 weeks, he came and could not fix the problem, it is worse, says he does not know what to do. We have been calling APPLIANCE TRADERS LIMITED and cannot get any one except an operator. The Sales Rep from the Kingston location we cannot reach since the problem. Can only get hold of their Unbeatable something. She called 11 May 18 spoke with operator and left message. No response. i called today at 9.39am and I am still holding it is now 10:08am the estimated hold time goes from 5 minutes, to 6, then to 7, then to 8 minutes and it now says 31 minutes. The music was so LOUD, it was deafening my ears are aching from the noise. Bottom line, the service at this company is not what it use to be. Once you buy if you have a problem, it seems you are on your own. ATL WE NEED TO HAVE THE UNIT REPLACED WITH A NEW ONE. WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WAIT AFTER PURCHASING THE NEW UNIT, PAYING THE TECHNICIAN YOU INSISTED HAD TO BE USED. YOU NEED TO IMPROVE YOUR SERVICE, it's not about selling only, when something goes wrong you need to respond to the customer instead of avoiding and the customer has to spend countless time and calls to track down someone. Experience for service on this transaction zero star, but it would not post unless you gave it a star, so I gave it 1 star :( :(

  • Horace Roach

    Horace Roach


    Appliance Traders has a good selection of quality brands including Frigidaire, Samsung, Whirlpool, Panasonic etc. Fridges, stoves, washers, dryers and other appliance in various sizes and varying features are available at mid to high market prices. There are also payment options available. The service from the staff is very professional.

  • Flexie Muirhead

    Flexie Muirhead


    Good Customer service. If you need better prices on Appliances visit Muirhead Trading And Apliance. 87 Constant Spring Rd.

  • Tommy Gooden

    Tommy Gooden


    Not the most reasonable place to shop for appliances either they be big or small. However, this is the best and possibly the only place you can be sure you're getting something authentic with great warranty and exceptional service. If you've interacted with any other member of the ATL Group you get the same service and experience you come to expect from the group. Overall great products, services and after sales service .

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