Auto Channel Limited i Kingston 10

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14 Holborn Road, Kingston 10, Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-466-3494
Latitude: 18.0087655, Longitude: -76.7904135
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Kommentar 5

  • Crichton Insurance

    Crichton Insurance


    Awesome salesmen and women. Prices are very competitive.

  • PCC Socialwork

    PCC Socialwork


    This is the WORST place to buy a car. The owner is VERY cocky and acts as though he can do without his customers. Auto Channel took the joy out of owning my first car. I paid cash for my car and after paying all 9 days after I could not get my car and each time I called they were giving me the run around or not answering when they know it was me. Telling me, when they did answer that a document was to be stamped. I had to take back my money and went some place else and got my car in about 4 or so days. Some thing is not right with Auto Channet because I can't see how a business would let a cash customer slip away from them. A friend of mine told me that when she told my story a friend of hers had the same problem and if they had known they would have advised against me going there to buy a car. WORST PLACE TO BUY CAR, EVEN WHEN THE PRICE IS A BIT LOWER. WORST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nicole Hanse

    Nicole Hanse


    Representatives were very helpful and informed... The variety in cars is vast. There is a car for all budget. Definitely the place for my next car... Loving the experience.

  • Yenyee Long

    Yenyee Long


    I have been to several used car dealership in search of a car but when I found Auto Channel, I knew it was the place to purchase my car. I bought it there and it turned out to be a great decision. The Honda Fit I bought is going 5 years now without changing any major parts. I got a well serviced car with great customer service. Thank you Auto Channel, keep it up.

  • Zack C

    Zack C


    The absolute worse place to buy a car, if it was possible to give this zero stars I would, a warning to all future buyers avoid this place trust me the customer experience is awful and be prepared to be treated with disrespect once you have made your deposit on a vehicle and expect little to no assistance from any of the workers concerning anything about the car you have made a deposit on and please be reminded that if you try to get a refund of your money you'll only get a fraction of what you deposited even if it's less than 24 hours you made the deposit. Words can't explain the disgust of this place. Try another car dealer anyone expect auto channel.

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