Baywest Wellness Clinic w Montego Bay

JamaicaBaywest Wellness Clinic



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Harbour Street, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-940-7063
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4743269, Longitude: -77.9244148

komentarze 5

  • Javere Campbell

    Javere Campbell


    I came here to clean my teeth and the dental hygienist, Ms. Allen, was very knowledgeable, kind and friendly. The best hygienist. We need hygienists like this in every dental office. Thank you Ms Allen.

  • Bgirl Forreal

    Bgirl Forreal


    Dr. Germaine Spencer is an amazing doctor! He did my myomectomy and did a wonderful job! I was relaxed and at ease going in to surgery. He and the nurses were very professional and treated me so well. 10/10 across the board! #1 Gynaecologist in JA

  • lorraine bakelaar

    lorraine bakelaar


    We received very professional service there. It is expensive however so always have travel insurance. The doctor and staff were kind and compassionate. Highly recommend.

  • Tashauna Mcintosh

    Tashauna Mcintosh


    Ms Allen was so awesome overall….. she’s very professional, gentle, informative, patient and I was very comfortable with the entire cleaning procedure….. Procedure wasn’t rush it was well done …… Thank you Ms Allen and I would recommend you guys to everyone….. Dr Spencer I’m more than satisfied thank you and my services will always be at Baywest Wellness Clinic

  • Jamie Smith

    Jamie Smith


    Wow the new office across from the old office is nice and clean. Big open space! Cutting edge technology coming soon. Enough seating for many patients. I have been numerous times fighting high blood pressure and acid reflux got me down real bad. The Dr's and nurses assisted me with my issues and I'm feeling good now. I received great care when I'm at Baywest. I would recommend this medical clinic to everyone.

najbliższy Szpital

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