Bookophilia i Kingston

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92, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-978-5248
Latitude: 18.021048, Longitude: -76.7720908
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Kommentar 5

  • Tamara Harding

    Tamara Harding


    Sweet place to grab a good book, sit and read and have a great cup of coffee!

  • Anthony Hibbert

    Anthony Hibbert


    Great ambience, I lowkey wish they don't get super popular because the vibe as is, is amazing. I liked the offerings of books, the music, the temperature and the tea. The only thing I would suggest as a patron who plans to visit regular is a bigger location with more hide-aways. Spots where you can discover and be like "oh...was this always here? It's almost perfect for me to read or do work...almost as if it was made for me. Nice."

  • Anthony Johnsons

    Anthony Johnsons


    Nice people, good coffee, really comfortable make yourself at home vibe and you can just come spend the day reading a book

  • janice mcleod

    janice mcleod


    Bookophilia is a cool hangout spot for book lovers with multiple couches, cushions and nooks for you to curl up with your new book. You can organize meetups there to discuss the latest book club title. After your passionate discussions calm your tempers with coffee, tea or a muffin. They cater to the young and the young at heart. They're bound to have a book that interests you. The staff is friendly and polite and eager to assist.

  • HannaH Owens

    HannaH Owens


    This is a prime go to space in the heart of Kingston the staff always have such charisma and are very attentive. Not only is reading allowed, they have a little coffee spot which partners with a foundation for the deaf! They have scheduled programs like reading for children, meeting authors and on occasion adult colouring to name a few. The only thing left for them is to have actual food...but here's to hoping lol.

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