Burger King w Portmore

JamaicaBurger King



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3, Portmore Parkway, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
strona internetowej: www.bk.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9715282, Longitude: -76.8660332

komentarze 5

  • Trevaughna Barr

    Trevaughna Barr


    The security was friendly. Clean seating and bathroom. There was a little line. But it was a quick service getting my order. The food was nicely prepared as always.

  • Shana Splatt

    Shana Splatt


    I usually enjoy going to this Burger king location simply because it's generally the cleanest one in Portmore . I don't normally have a long wait and if the line is longer than the usual, then it moves quickly. The food is okay too. I tend to enjoy dining her especially since the wifi is easy to access. So I recommend here.

  • Missy Ann Bailey

    Missy Ann Bailey


    Great restaurant, but this location lacks management, over the years you have never seen the same workers it's always different workers, and the workers are slow and seem not wanting to be there.

  • Shan



    2nd time visiting in the last couple of weeks, and while yes, Burger King still makes great burgers, there service is still slow. Especially, at the drive-thru. Even if the line isn't that long, it still takes a long time to get your food.

  • Noreen Dawkins

    Noreen Dawkins


    Bought food there and I must say I'm not pleased. I got tea when I open it only hot water there is noting to make the tea. Next the pancakes there is no syrup to go on it. I spent over 5000 so what they expect me to drink the so-so hot water?

najbliższy Restauracja

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