CIBC w Mandeville




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Park Crescent, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-684-2300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0394151, Longitude: -77.5078025

komentarze 5

  • Tivoughn Smart

    Tivoughn Smart


    Lovely customer service

  • Jhenelle



    No one there seems to respond to other brank requests. I was at a cibc branch in another parish but I opened my account in Mandeville. They needed someone to verify my request at the Mandeville branch bc I was requesting to draw funds after a machine unfortunately took my card and I had no other option but to go inside the bank. From morning to when the bank lock I was there and they told me nobody from over Mandeville no accept the request all now.

  • Symona Morgan

    Symona Morgan


    If I could give zero stars I would gladly give it. Everytime that you have a concern, you have to go there 2 or more times to get it fixed. The wait time is horrible, and their friends will come in and get through before anyone else who has been waiting… There is a representative by Shaneel Wallace, she has NO customer service and needs lots of training, or put to work in the back office.

  • Sym Morgan

    Sym Morgan


    My experience was horrible, seems like they don’t know what they are doing. Went to a teller told that I need to speak with customer service, waited 1 hour and 42 minutes to speak to customer service, was then sent back to a teller…. Just frustrating… I spent over 4 hours in the bank to make a withdrawal, simply because online service was not working… poor poor poor… AVOID IF POSSIBLE!!!

  • Kevin muise

    Kevin muise


    No money every weekend at Mandeville atm

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