City View Hotel w Kingston

JamaicaCity View Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Lot 3, Bellevue Drive, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-969-4390
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.065232, Longitude: -76.809408

komentarze 5

  • Shelly-ann Bryan

    Shelly-ann Bryan


    I got married on April 13, 2024 and trust mi from the beginning of the planning up until my wedding day was excellent. Nicky did extremely well and always reaching out. The entire staff was so welcoming on our big day and treat everyone great. Let me not forget how wonderful and delicious😋 the food was, mighty god the mutton was everything and more. The room that we stayed in on the night of our wedding we didn't want to leave😄. Our overall experience was awesome and we just want to say thank u guys for the excellent service and we did recommend city view to our friends and relatives for sure. Thanks again Mr & Mrs. Manahan

  • E.-J. Thunder Lauriston

    E.-J. Thunder Lauriston


    A lovely place. Great vantage view of the city of Kingston.

  • Matthew Campbell

    Matthew Campbell


    Excellent stay. The room was very clean and comfortable. The views were excellent. The breakfast was great and the staff couldn't have been better.

  • Romey Romey

    Romey Romey


    I had to take the opportunity to write about my AWESOME experience with City View Hotel. I recently had my moms birthday celebration and Nickesha and her team ensured we had a BLAST. The food was great, the decor was what I wanted and the overall service from the team was EXCEPTIONAL. My family and I had blast celebrating Mom and couldn’t ask for anything better. Nickesha! From the beginning of our communication until the finish you were great and I can’t thank you enough for all you did…. You’re SUPER! ✨

  • Richard Panton

    Richard Panton


    City View hosted my wedding and I'm happy I trusted them. Nickeisha is really good at coordinating and providing advice. The view is spectacular and when you combine that with the great decor they customize for you, it's beautiful. They provide package deals for persons but wanting to run around and get everything you need for an event. We were able to get food, music, decor, lighting, pastor, seating, table and bottle service and a room in one. The only thing they don't provide is clothing. They also allow a lot of customization to you package so add or remove anything you want. I would definitely recommend to anyone!!

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