Courts i Kingston 10

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Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-2110
Latitude: 18.017047, Longitude: -76.796753
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniel Cox

    Daniel Cox


    I went in to pay a bill in my uniform with 3 of my schoolmates, and the guy at the front door said they couldnt come they had to stay outside while i went to pay the bill

  • Rajive Ford

    Rajive Ford


    Courts continues to lead the charge as household furniture and appliance providers. The variety of goods can mostly be seen online and what is not in branch is usually communicated. The sales agents take the time to help you understand the hire purchase agreement and explain the offering from anywhere between 12 months - 36 months.

  • Sebastian Perry

    Sebastian Perry


    Love the layout, love the courteous staff who welcome you right from the auto door on entry. Service was fast and with a smile.

  • Kimberley Morgan

    Kimberley Morgan


    Full-range furniture store with a wide variety of options and payment plans. They could have more sales persons on hand to assist though. Optical office also now a part of the franchise.

  • Simone Lunan

    Simone Lunan


    Customer service was really good. Cashier was really helpful. I left my cell phone and she secured it until I returned frantically trying to locate it. It was a good day there.

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