
🕗 godziny otwarcia

91-93, Hagley Park Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-923-0710
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0060335, Longitude: -76.8139685

komentarze 5

  • en

    Fay Lawz


    The process was easy and my agent was very helpful and courteous

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    One of the leading auto mart in Kingston and St Andrew. They have a wide variety of cars to choose from supported with good customer service.

  • lia dimepiece

    lia dimepiece


    Got my first vehicle from Crichton in 2018. My decision was made easy with the help of a GREAT sales rep Stephen. He truly out did himself. Everything was done honestly and in a timely manner. He called to check up on me at good intervals i never felt alone. His advices were not just so he could make the sale. Just for his service I'd definately purchase again! Also got my insurance done there too superb!

  • Rajive Ford

    Rajive Ford


    The customer service was really good and the sales agent Stephen was really vibrant and energetic. He made things pretty simple and was very open. The lack of parking was a slight issue though. The sales process however is pretty horrible. They promise clients a 4 working day turnaround time and the reality is it is more at their convenience. It took me 6 working days to finally get my car.

  • en

    jeremy pinnock


    Bad reputation ... major part the scandal of misrepresenting the age of their vehicles to unsuspecting customers. No restitution was offered even after the scam was revealed. They have a good stock of used vehicles and there service isn't bad but be very careful; do thorough checks don't just accept what they say about their vehicles.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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