DHL Express ServicePoint w Kingston

JamaicaDHL Express ServicePoint



🕗 godziny otwarcia

19, Haining Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-920-0010
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0044936, Longitude: -76.7846054

komentarze 5

  • Denesha Hall

    Denesha Hall


    DHL is the very best shipping company in ja. Right now customer friendly staff constantly update you on package...

  • Man of God Christian soldier

    Man of God Christian soldier


    Be warned, do not use this company to send or receive items. Had an unfavourable experience using their services. Seems I was overcharged and overcharged once more… communication wasn’t the greatest which led to alot of speculations and anxiety. Prices between DHL and customs seemed exorbitant and obscured. BE Warned …!

  • Sean Swaby

    Sean Swaby


    I send a parcel with dhl when it arrived in jamaica, I email them to find out why the parcel is on hold. I got reply saying that custom asking for receipt for the item in the 1kg parcel , I told them I don't have the receipt. Any way they give me option 1 of the option is the receiver can go and self clear parcel with TRN and ID and just had to pay customs fee, any way the receiver had went to collect parcel customs only take 2,000 jamaican dollars from the receiver and dhl charge the receiver 23000 dollars bear in mind in email I have with dhl in jamaica with the options saying if dhl clear it will cost 9600 and self clear only customs fee so tell me why dhl charge the receiver 23000 more than what it was posted for I will never send a other parcel to jamaica with dhl they need to get rid of these bad apple that is working for them extorting people

  • Sage Dawes

    Sage Dawes


    Held my package for 2 months and did not make any progress unless I called them relentlessly to figure out what was happening. Then charged a terribly high processing fee that was even more than the import fees

  • Cecile HoSang

    Cecile HoSang


    Where do we begin? Went there today with my husband to pick up a package ( that they erroneously sent to MoBay). 1. No order or system in place to serve their paying customers. 2. Come in and bore the "line" as you please because that is the infamous Jamaican way. 3. Ask the paid staff simple questions regarding how to actually get served and be met with all too common "wonderful" Jamaican behaviour ( by the paid employees). 4. Watch staff pick and choose who they serve and why they serve them - all while waiting 1.30 hours, and when you finally get "served", to be dealt with that - wait for it-"wonderful" Jamaican behaviour. 5. Wonder how these places and people actually stay in business, oh yes! Because nobody cares and the managers enable and promote the all too "wonderful"J amaican way. 6. Remind myself that I am "proud to be Jamaican, and Jamaica, no problem." 7. My apologies to the Haining road staff that we inconvenienced you today by actually daring to enter the business place during business hours and dare to ask any questions, and dare to expect what we paid for. Sorry we gave you 1 star - Google doesn't have a negative star rating. All the best.

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