Diced Cafe w Kingston

JamaicaDiced Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-545-6382
strona internetowej: www.dicedcafeja.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0276317, Longitude: -76.7966759

komentarze 5

  • Abigail Smith

    Abigail Smith


    Must stop place for board game lovers or those looking for a great time with friends. Guaranteed to have games you haven’t heard of. Perfect for small and big groups! Definitely make Diced a part of your next night of fun!

  • jerome myers

    jerome myers


    Friendly and courteous staff, good company, great games and amazing vibes. Definitely going again

  • Ezinne Ukala

    Ezinne Ukala


    Really fun and unique atmosphere with literally hundreds of games. Great place to bring your friends if you're tired of the party scene and an amazing opportunity to meet new people and make new friends without the pressure that normally comes with doing so. The owner is super cheerful and friendly and really makes you feel welcome. It's the type of place you'll wanna go back to every week.

  • Rochelle Knight

    Rochelle Knight


    Very unique idea. Over 100 board games to choose from. Unlimited games with a flat rate of $700 to enter. I had loads of fun on girls night here. I'll be back. They teach you how to play new games and take you out your regular Ludo or Scrabble comfort zone-- but those are available too if you like. The pumpkin spice latte (seasonal) was great, but they have cookies and other treats on sale too.

  • Rowan Prendergast

    Rowan Prendergast


    I had a poker night here last week with a few of my friends and it was a great experience. The food was good and there was amazing customer service. I would definitely recommend going here for a fun night with friends.

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