Dominos Boulevard w Kingston

JamaicaDominos Boulevard



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Boulevard Super Center, 45 Elma Crescent, Kingston 20, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-656-8891
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.026678, Longitude: -76.8324127

komentarze 5

  • Feefee Fiona

    Feefee Fiona


    Pizza isn't pizza anymore until U have tried dominoes pizza. You'll know a good pizza when you hear it up n it doesn't slide is the dough. The wait was roughly 25 minutes, this place is always moving fast with customers. Friendly cs service. Nice seated area for the wait. There are many other eatery in this Boulevard plaza. Worth the wait.

  • Geoffrey McCook

    Geoffrey McCook


    The delivery service is quick even though they only have one rider delivering at times,and they are courteous and apologetic if they are a little late 👍🏾

  • Carlyle Roberts

    Carlyle Roberts


    Registered and ordered via cell phone using Website, no app. I dont like 1 bag a apps cluttering my phone. So that was great!!! When I got to the actual store my pizza was ready. Paid and left. Seamless, no wait and easy!

  • Mashiba



    Well I am a regular a the store and usually receive fairly good customer service

  • Sasha Kelly

    Sasha Kelly


    Right now the best advice I can give is to spend your money elsewhere, ordered a pizza nearly 2 hrs and all I can see on the screen is Monique started custom building your pizza at 5:52 pm and it's now 7:28 and we've been calling and no one is answering the phone. This is the second bad experience with them. Better mi go pizza hut!!!! The only reason they are getting 1 star is because I have to give a star to post my review. Kmt

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