Express Laundromat i Kingston

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Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-978-4319
Latitude: 18.0064144, Longitude: -76.7785736
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Kommentar 5

  • Young Boss In Charge

    Young Boss In Charge


    Fairly Good Service. It lacks signage (price etc), which asking a lot of questions seems like a bother to the staff members. Better service required.

  • Megan Evans-Hanson

    Megan Evans-Hanson


    I was robbed today while sitting in the Laudromat. It was my first time there and definately my last. A man who was sitting there just came up to me, ripped my bracelet off my hand and ran through the door, jumped on his bike and took off. An employee said she had been watching him and tried to warn a patron to leave. However she said nothing to the other people there. There are no security cameras and the man was wearing a helmet the whole time he was in the place. One worker was quite apoplgetic but I still had the pay the full cost of the wash etc. They need to provide better security, a few cameras, air conditioning so that the doors can be closed and policies that include refusing service to anybody whose face is covered.

  • donnahae rhoden-salmon

    donnahae rhoden-salmon


    Very good. Location is convenient and staff is helpful

  • Ryon Whyte

    Ryon Whyte


    Its as you would expect. Staff is ok. Weekends ypu better go early though. Weekdays are better

  • Donnahae Rhoden Salmon

    Donnahae Rhoden Salmon


    It's good. Price is affordable. Staff helpful. Opening hours convenient.

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