Festifil Cafe & Bakery w Old Harbour

JamaicaFestifil Cafe & Bakery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

39, East Street, Old Harbour, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-467-2727
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9388908, Longitude: -77.111611

komentarze 5

  • Raregoldstar Raregoldstar

    Raregoldstar Raregoldstar


    The cake was burnt and it was very bitter,(BITTER BAD) been having bad experiences with the employees but not the pastry until now. The employees are not at all professional they talk bad about their coworkers in front of customers with out care. I hope management see this and do something about it ASAP..

  • Danielia Mitchell

    Danielia Mitchell


    I am a frequent customer and I went there yesterday to purchase 2 slices of potato pudding , and saw multiple roaches crawling all over the pudding slices in the glass case! Instead of throwing out the pudding slices,the cashier used a piece of tissue to take the roaches from off the pudding slices n tossed them in the bin which I found to be very disgruntling! This Bakery needs a thorough sanitation before opening to the public because insect being on food that people intake can do more harm than good!!!

  • Nastascia Spence

    Nastascia Spence


    Excellent customer service. I never thought I would receive this from women sales representatives. Up! Oh and the pastries are tasty :-)

  • Tashieka Hart

    Tashieka Hart


    I love what they did with the barrel like seats around back.

  • Kerryann “Davita” Folkes

    Kerryann “Davita” Folkes


    Enjoy some ice cream and cake while your there

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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