Giscombe's Gym & Wellness Center i Kingston

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107a, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-925-2156
Latitude: 18.0286513, Longitude: -76.7972553
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Kommentar 5

  • Kathy-Ann Pate Robinson

    Kathy-Ann Pate Robinson


    Beautiful relaxing serene atmosphere! I really like it. The atrium in the middle is like a beautiful mini jungle. Even the parking lot is aesthetically pleasing! Lol. Store space is still available. Nicole - the best colorist/hairdresser I've ever found has her salon here now too!

  • kirk cheung

    kirk cheung


    If you are an experienced gym person this place is not for you. You won't be allowed to do strength training because you have to treat all equipment as if they are made of glass. Make the mistake of dropping a dumbell even from 6" off the ground and your membership will be revoked. Do Deadlifts and the weights makes a sound you will be kicked as well. You will be watched as if you are in a prison by staff. And the equipment also lacking. On the bright side they do have a punching bag to take out all your frustrations that you will be faced with.

  • Hugh Bowman

    Hugh Bowman


    Very spacious with a great rooftop space with a small pool. Thumbs up

  • Alex Ferguson

    Alex Ferguson


    Daily decent facility but needs more equipment for persons who are not looking to do strength training. Staff at the front desk takes over 20 minutes to renew membership payments or sometimes just to allow you to swipe in. Owner is not well-mannered and treats both staff and members in a way that leaves much to be desired.

  • cadey Clark

    cadey Clark


    Nice gym good staff ,but there is room for improvements like pool repair,some air conditions not working the spinning room is too small .

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