Ho's Hui Ming Trading Supermarket & Wholesale w Spalding

JamaicaHo's Hui Ming Trading Supermarket & Wholesale



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5G4Q+9VC, Spalding, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-522-9200
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1559302, Longitude: -77.4603618

komentarze 5

  • Stephnie Bryce

    Stephnie Bryce


    Exceptionally clean.

  • Tasha Rhooms

    Tasha Rhooms


    Clean,spacious, reasonable price, nice variety ok customer service

  • Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards


    This place has VARIETY I mean it in every sense of the word. And the prices… whew! Best supermarket I’ve ever been to and that speaks volume. The meat prices weren’t the best but they were bad either. They even have a cook shop at the front where you can get your chicken and fries, box food etc (icing on the cake). My only peeve was the cashier. Her attitude was very unnerving and just ruin the business place entirely. Almost as if someone was begging her to be at work. I’d have given try is place 1 star just for her but I’m not that guy and I won’t allow her to make me into that guy.

  • Paul Williams

    Paul Williams


    Ok can't say much about it till my next visit

  • Myckayl J’adore Crooks

    Myckayl J’adore Crooks


    This place is nasty rotten eggs selling people and maggots are washed from Franks and sold and expired goods are sold they use alcohol to rub off the dates and sell them the place has rats roaches and insects in oats and macaroni so when u go there check ur items properly... and whenever some items expire they repackage them and sell them so be careful 😊

najbliższy Supermarket

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