Hotel Riu Ocho Rios w Ocho Rios

JamaicaHotel Riu Ocho Rios


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Mammee Bay, Ocho Rios, Mammee Bay Road, Ocho Rios, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-972-2200
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Latitude: 18.431588, Longitude: -77.166474

komentarze 5

  • Ashley



    Overall the people were extremely friendly, the scenery was beautiful and the food was great. However, I did not enjoy the hotel room. The sheets in the room were damp, the couch smelled of mold and the shower water drained very slow. I turned the couch into a bed and saw that the couch pillows had mold on them as well as the sheets. Room service came throughout my stay and the sheets weren’t changed once.

  • Janet Menier

    Janet Menier


    My husband & I stayed 10 days in March 2024. Hotel was very good and the staff were very friendly. We found the beach wonderful and the pools were great too. Food was very good and the entertainment was excellent. We had a great time and want to mention Kevin Green, the hotel taxi driver was very helpful and reliable and knowledgeable when he took us out to see Ocho Rios Jamaica. His fair was also very reasonable. Thank you all for a wonderful time on our first trip to Jamaica. We will be back.

  • Alyssa Bowser

    Alyssa Bowser


    The resort has some of the most beautiful beaches. The staff worked 24/7 to provide us with the best day and night service! The food during the day was fantastic and the bars had many different varieties of drinks to accommodate all age groups. I can't wait to visit back again for another adventure in the future!

  • Philip Hayter

    Philip Hayter


    We are currently staying in the Riu Ocho Rios, and the hotel is very good, but very large, we’re staying in block 3 but only one lift works but that took two days to get fixed when we first arrived we had to use the service lift. The hotel is in an excellent location on the beach which is beautiful and well maintained as with the rest of the grounds. The cleanliness level is very good. The food is best described as canteen quality you would find in a factory and the staff attitude to the guests could be classed a pieces of meat going down the production line. The food labelling is not to be trusted and if you’re vegetarian be very careful as the staff mix up meat products with vegetarian. In our party we had some vegans and on one occasion when we had requested a vegan meal from one of the speciality restaurants it was heard by one of the chiefs that they did not agree with the vegan lifestyle and was going to cook pork into the meal and tell us it was vegan. At that point we lost trust with that restaurant and decided to exit and go back to the factory canteen. This has not been the only issue we’ve had here, two of our party went ill for 24 hours at it was identified that the paper straws they where using in the drinks dissolved and caused guests to be ill. The overall review is if you like a great location but don’t care what you eat or drink you might want to consider this hotel. We won’t be returning here but will definitely return to Jamaica.

  • Stephanie Fowler

    Stephanie Fowler


    Nice hotel! Many options for restaurants and the food is good! Beautiful beach!! When booking read the room descriptions carefully! If upgrading to "ocean view" be sure you get what you paid for! We booked ocean view and got "partial ocean view"...which meant we could see the ocean from the balcony if we looked around the wall. Not the same thing. a room change was requested, which had to escalated to management to be granted. In theory with how the hotel classifies the rooms, technically majority of rooms are all ocean view! So if you are willing to roll the dice and not fussy, don't waste money on ocean view. Recommend putting extra money to a private transfer to/from hotel, rather than take the tour operator tour bus to the hotel. Overall great experience! The nicest resort we have stayed at yet!

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