Independence City Pharmacy w Portmore

JamaicaIndependence City Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7, Madrid Avenue, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-665-7654
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.982334, Longitude: -76.8800551

komentarze 5

  • alice brown

    alice brown


    warm and friendly staff. they were inviting and made you feel welcomed to shop there. They were the only pharmacy opened on a holiday and were helpful with providing us with directions to their store.

  • Sandra Crawford

    Sandra Crawford


    Great variety with reasonable prices. Very courteous, helpful and friendly staff. Pharmacists are knowledgeable and engaging.

  • Lyssia Lindsay

    Lyssia Lindsay


    Went their Christmas. The cashiers and security are friendly. However one pharmacist (elder one) was rude and full of attitude. Big turn off. I've never met a rude pharmacist before. She ruin my xmas afternoon. Even a next lady at the corner was complaining about her.

  • Duane Carr

    Duane Carr


    The parking lot is usually about 50% to 70% filled, however, more space is available in the extended lot behind. The pharmacy has the usual cosmetic section, but they also carry smaller household items. They have a cellphone accessories section to the right of the security counter and stock most kids' typical toys. Kid games are also available. You can get over-the-counter medicine in the aisles. The cost for items will vary from moderate to expensive based on what you are looking to get. They have an NCB ATM on the outside and a Moneygram service counter on the inside.

  • Sydorney Ellis-McKoy

    Sydorney Ellis-McKoy


    The staff is always helpful and courteous. I appreciate the community automatic discount. They explain things thoroughly at the dispensary window. There's a wide array of products at your fingertips. The store is very spacious. They allow you to whatsapp your prescription to collect with the physical. They even have a prescription drop box if you can't stay amd wait. Wait time isn't usually long. The pharmacists make it a duty to remember their customers.

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