Iris Medical Services w Kingston

JamaicaIris Medical Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

68, Molynes Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-613-5959
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0209483, Longitude: -76.812286

komentarze 5

  • Mia Smith

    Mia Smith


    Amazing service…. Very short wait time and doctor is very patient and attentive. Pharmacy is also next door so a very holistic service.

  • Shantianna’s Braids

    Shantianna’s Braids


    Excellent customer service from the moment I walked in. Dr. Clarke was very welcoming and he ensures that all my concerns were addressed, he was very hands on with information and I felt comfortable relating the issue I had with him. Definitely a doctor to go see‼️ Awesome staff as well

  • Jacqueline Levy

    Jacqueline Levy


    This doctors office is clean, bright and filled with support staff who know how to make even the sick smile. The doctors are kind, competent and understanding and my time here almost made me forget why i was there. If you are ever in need of a good medical team, this is where you need to go.

  • Janine Korczak

    Janine Korczak


    We have been there in our vacation cause my boyfriend got very sick. Dr. Clarke was so friendly and supportive. I had the feeling that we were in good hands. He checked everything. All the stuff members were open and friendly, too. Some days later my boyfriend had to go to a hospital and Dr. Clarke still took time for me and gave me advices. Thank you very much for this Support!

  • Opal Jengelly

    Opal Jengelly


    Dr. Clarke was customer friendly and warm. I was very comfortable in the environment for the first time. He listens well as and is very knowledgeable about issues.The facility is also clean and centrally located. Excellent service to the public.

najbliższy Lekarz

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