JACANA Café + Cocktails w Kingston

JamaicaJACANA Café + Cocktails



🕗 godziny otwarcia

45-47, Grenada Crescent, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 4540645
strona internetowej: www.jacana.life
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0068374, Longitude: -76.7891414

komentarze 5

  • Jade Blissett

    Jade Blissett


    The music is great, atmosphere is more relaxed than starbucks. It gices a cozy vibe. Apple pie and boston pie are to die for, a must have. And the staff is superb. You will not be disappointed

  • A. H.

    A. H.


    First time there. Had the latte with Irish cream. First, the machine didn't accept either of my cards, had to use cash. Second, the vibe was dull, polite, but dull. The setup inside was not comfortable. The morning sun poured in from the glass wall(?) facing the road. There was only one comfortable spot to sit away from the direct assault of the sun. Aesthetics was really nice, though. My drink... let's just say that after paying $500 for it, I couldn't force myself to finish it. I should've gone to another coffee shop for tea or a coffee drink or even water. I don't think I'd go back.

  • Jordan Islander

    Jordan Islander


    They serve up a great Blended Mocha here. I've only gotten that so far. If you're into CBD oil they can add some too. Nice atmosphere and engaging staff.

  • Xyair Brown

    Xyair Brown


    Very nice setting, wide array of options, nice backdrop for taking photos, very chill location, located inside the New Kingston Business Centre.

  • Nathan Parkins

    Nathan Parkins


    Wonderful location. Great space for a coffee and focus time.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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