Jamaica Association for the Deaf Hearing Services w Kingston

JamaicaJamaica Association for the Deaf Hearing Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

91, Dumbarton Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-7709
strona internetowej: www.jamdeaf.org.jm
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0190199, Longitude: -76.7987273

komentarze 4

  • Milton Foster

    Milton Foster


    The following is a review from a professional sound engineer - someone who manipulates sound to cause a pleasant experience for others for a living. I was disappointed to find out that the hearing test they offer is not very extensive. They don't test the full range of hearing from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. They only test for speech intelligibility (from around 250 to 8000 Hz), which only gives their clients a partial idea of the condition of their hearing. This is okay if you want to be sure if you have the minimum accepted hearing range to understand speech, but for professional musicians and sound engineers or even the general populous who need to check on their whole hearing - this is not the place. The wiring of some of the testing equipment caused humming and buzzing in the test headphones, which can be very distracting from the tones being played at low levels. When I asked about this and whether or not it would influence my test results, the person who administered my test was condescending and said my hearing wasn't so good for it to have been a factor. She brushed off my concerns for hearing above the highest frequency they tested for as unnecessary. I went to test my hearing of my own accord, without being recommended by a doctor so that I could have a general checkup. But after receiving the results, no one stopped to explain what the audiograms meant unless asked and the recommendations for hearing conservation were very vague. Unless you're already on the brink of really having hearing issues, I don't believe the services they currently offer are as helpful and informative as they could be. Also some of the staff seemed easily irritated by some of the hard of hearing clients and were seen exaggerating their speech in a condescending manner whenever they had to repeat themselves.

  • Mario



    Friendly staff and it's not crowded on a regular. Did my test and got back my results in less than half hour.

  • Jayvis Harris

    Jayvis Harris


  • D' ArtFul Dappa

    D' ArtFul Dappa


najbliższy Szpital

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