Jamaica Licensed Electricians Association i Kingston

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

3rd Street, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-448-7730
Hjemmeside: jamaicaelectricians.org
Latitude: 18.007282, Longitude: -76.796923
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Kommentar 4

  • Paul Blake

    Paul Blake


  • Marlon Thompson

    Marlon Thompson


    They are focused on educating the general public of Jamaica, about electrical codes and standards. Plus they provided very useful information on their website for aspiring electricians, as well as information on the various electrical agencies like G.E.I and J.P.S.

  • Parkington Internet Cafe

    Parkington Internet Cafe


    I found the members of the Association very professional and reliable. They always adhere to the governing standards and regulations as well as they stick to Best Practises.

  • ewart foster

    ewart foster


    professional body providing electrical work at international standard and adhering to best practices; members are licensed and regulated by the board of examiners ,in the interest of public health and safety.

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