Jewel Grande Montego Bay Resort & Spa – All-Inclusive Resort w Montego Bay

JamaicaJewel Grande Montego Bay Resort & Spa – All-Inclusive Resort



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Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Rose Hall Main Road, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 833-325-3935
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.5244037, Longitude: -77.8284338

komentarze 5

  • Cris Taylor

    Cris Taylor


    I had an amazing experience at the Jewel Grande! I enjoyed the Grande Spa most of all! Ackeem, Crystal & all of the staff & service providers went above & beyond to provide a luxury experience. I recommend the Golden Quartz (Natasha) & Pimento Bamboo (my memory sucks, but she was amazing as well). I also enjoyed the Himalayan Salt room add-on w/scalp massage (Erick?) & private pool & hot tub!

  • Arlene Victoria Conrad

    Arlene Victoria Conrad


    I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to this resort. The location was breathtaking, the water and the beaches were lovely. My family and I had a three-bedroom penthouse, which was lovely and had lots of space with each room having its own bathroom as well as a half bathroom in the living area. Each room had a lovely view, and was beautifully styled and comfortable. We had butlers for our stay who were helpful in guiding us to restaurant reservations for dinner as well as activities. The food was amazing! There were so many good things to eat and so many good restaurants and coffee bars to try. The spa and massage was wonderful, and they have a great gym. I recommend this space to anyone hoping to vacation in Jamaica.

  • Paul Goode (Pablo Bueno)

    Paul Goode (Pablo Bueno)


    The staff are very friendly and professional in their interaction with you. The place is very nicely decorated from an interior design standpoint. The food is just okay….Just okay. The seaside location makes up for the just average food. I would come back. As per the Jewel Grand Spa, the staff, service and facilities are top notch. The salt room, hot cold plunge pools and sauna were great. Moreover, we had a top notch couples massage. Thanks to all of the staff at the Spa

  • Sonya Nightingale

    Sonya Nightingale


    This place was amazing!!! Not necessarily perfect but very close! I hired a private driver to bring me here from the airport. The resort wasn't over run with people. I arrived about 230 pm. I got checked in. They were still making sure my room was ready so invited me to go to the Cricket Grill where I had jerked chicken. While I was there they came and told me my room was ready. When I finished I went to my room. Shortly they brought my luggage and gave me a tour of the room. Very comfortable beds. The tub in my room was a nice touch. The fridge or mini bar is always stocked during the day. We ended up moving to a different room as we needed 2 beds. Move was easy. The staff is all amazing! Spa was a LOT more added to the price than I realized would be. But otherwise it was awesome. The electricity did go off the first day and the last day. All the food I tried was really good! Can't say enough about the staff and their desire to serve you!

  • Sher Mc35

    Sher Mc35


    My husband and I had a beautiful experience. The staff was very friendly and attentive. The rooms were beautiful, we stayed on the B block. The food was delicious and the options were varied. The grounds well kept and beautiful. We loved every moment. Toby made my dinner experience fun on my last night with light banter and a great sense of humour. We will visit again hopefully soon.

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