Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville w Montego Bay

JamaicaJimmy Buffett's Margaritaville



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-957-4467
strona internetowej: www.margaritavillecaribbean.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4992138, Longitude: -77.9143923

komentarze 5

  • Steve Hays

    Steve Hays


    My wife ordered the shrimp appetizer and the shrimp was cooked past well-done. The burger I had was not seasoned but cooked perfectly and the fries were old and unsalted.

  • Devlin Welch

    Devlin Welch


    Food was delicious! Waitress never followed back up with us. Took the order, brought us the meal about 20 minutes later. Never came back to see if we needed anything. We finished out meal, and left to go pay downstairs because we couldn’t find her. Finally another wait staff found her, we paid she asked me if I was going to leave a tip, I said sure! Gave her a decent tip and she keyed it in and never thank me or nothing. Gave me the receipt and that was it. I thought it was a little rude. This was a first time for us and I was just disappointed in the service. Food’s good but service isn’t. That’s a shame. Date of service: 20/04/2024 Clerk ID: 1 Time: 14:00

  • Melissa Lampugnano

    Melissa Lampugnano


    Honestly it was just ok. Food was ok but beyond pricey!

  • Taneisha Tomlinson

    Taneisha Tomlinson


    Delicious food and great service. Affordable pricing and helpful waiters.

  • Gwendolyn R Houston-Jack

    Gwendolyn R Houston-Jack


    This was a quick stop while waiting for transportation. The hubs and I considered a meal, but we decided to go with drinks instead. The service was okay. We understand it gets busy, but we also figured it would be easy to get two drinks. The atmosphere is upbeat though. If you're arriving for a vacation, the music will get you in the mood. if you're ending your vacation, this is a good last stop before you get on the plane.

najbliższy Bar

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