Jin Xi An Ye Supermarket Hardware & Wholesale w Porus

JamaicaJin Xi An Ye Supermarket Hardware & Wholesale



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Main St, 2HMR+V9Q, Porus, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-904-0406
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0347105, Longitude: -77.4090081

komentarze 5

  • B S

    B S


    Had the goods but the staff on the checkout were rather unpleasant.

  • PUB Downer

    PUB Downer


    I go there almost on a daily basis as it's quite close to me, they most times have what I need n prices are very competitive.. The owners though, who most times these days are the cashiers, are sadly lacking in customer care skills.. I think they are under the impression that u have to buy there, n so they can treat us n talk to us as they like... But then we're the ones who allow it, so.............. Otherwise it's a great one stop shop, located in the hub of the town, convenient for passersby on the move, n provides employment for community youths..

  • Wizzo Dida

    Wizzo Dida


    The current Asian lease holders of this store has no respect for black people who are 100% there customers. I witnessed them using Derogatory languages towards their customers numerous times. I really hope someone teach them how to respect the locals. And realize that without the customer they have no survival in this community.




    Decided to stop for one item and it took a mighty long time to get thru. This place is super busy but shoppers seem to be regulars and familiar so there was no rush to service anyone

  • Angella Kelsey

    Angella Kelsey


    They carry a wide variety of stock. Cindy is cool. Leo can be mad head when ticked off. I see improvement in the workers attitude. Cashiers are cool. Overall one can shop there just go in get what u want n leave. When store is busy the wait can be drawn out to get your goods but they try to expedite.

najbliższy Supermarket

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