JN Bank w Savanna la Mar

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Hendon Corner, Savanna la Mar, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
strona internetowej: www.jnbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.2259745, Longitude: -78.1318078

komentarze 5

  • J P

    J P


    Went in branch to open an account. Initially I called and got info on what to bring with me etc. upon reaching security I asked where do I go if I wanna open a redi savings account. He explained the limitations of doing so if I chose to open it which I did. I am a Jamaican citizen who does work and travel in the Cayman Islands. I have returned home due to an emergency and have a Jamaican ID and TRN etc. I was redirected to the front desk representative who blatantly advised than once I have anything to do with the Cayman Islands she cannot assist and told me I should have come there because I can do it online. There was an argument because of course I felt disrespected. The manager Mr Orlando Lewison then told me (after taking my documents and having me go through the process of doing paperwork) that he will not assist because I did not apologize to his rude employee. I will never recommend anyone to jn pattyshop.

  • Margaret Baxter

    Margaret Baxter


    Arrived at this location at noon. Got a ticket with 30 people ahead. They don't have pre-booked appointments. Finally made it to the customer service officer's desk at 5 pm yes you heard correctly. Presented all the required documents to reactivate my account but due to one letter being different they told me they couldn't but I was able to close the account and debit funds! Worst experience ever!

  • jenna marlowe

    jenna marlowe


    How the hell I do a transfer online from my ncb account to another bank it’s approved got receipts to show in 24 hours pick up the receiver check the balance it’s shows it’s there but when withdrawing the cash it’s approved but no money comes and it’s the JN atm used . Trying to understand the issue by calling the customer service is very bad a lot of miscommunications that they just tell us it take 15 to 21 days for the money that was approved to now declined the receiver hasn’t even gotten a email nothing it’s the worst bank .JN is the next NCB

  • calaine blake

    calaine blake


    This bank is very supportive and reliable. I have been apart of the JN family for over 6 years and they have never let me down. I would recommend this bank to each and every person.

  • eclipse entertainment

    eclipse entertainment


    Am here standing outside the bank doors and there are senior citizens standing out here and most of them can't even stand up. You mean JN can't even provide a little seat outside or let them in the bank. It's ashame how they treat the same people that keep there doors open

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