Kingsworth Bed and Breakfast w Kingston

JamaicaKingsworth Bed and Breakfast



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Jacks Hill Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
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Latitude: 18.045363, Longitude: -76.7543202

komentarze 5

  • Juan Valdivieso

    Juan Valdivieso


    Super beautiful place to stay ❤️ in the open fresh air nice views 👌 and Mr TJ is the best in anyway helpful and just a nice peoples..was the from the 23 to the 29 and I loved it enjoyed it..I will go back...

  • Riwanna



    Booked a last minute room, unfortunately only for one night. We had the bird view room with a nice balcony facing the mountains. Next to the pool(-to be) you have a wonderful view over Kingston. Courtney is a nice and welcoming host, always open for a chat. We’ve enjoyed our meals with a cold beer.




    Well. Let's just say that this place is beyond unique. A bed and breakfast in the country side. It don't get more rural than this. A 2 star hotel yes. But what would you expect? The proprietor is a really lovely guy. Very engaging. No restaurants in the area though, and the breakfast part is simply breakfast. To get there, a sedan would get you there. Best to go by at least a Cross-over in my opinion.

  • Ich bleib Anonym

    Ich bleib Anonym


    I stayed there last week it was very calm and beautiful, the owner was also very nice and we loved talking to him. The rooms are clean and so are the bathrooms, the breakfast was good and they have a bar where you can pick up some drinks and dinner.The views over the blue mountains and Kingston are very impressive and magical. I would definitely recommend coming here as he also offers to pick you up from the airport in Kingston.

  • Richard Taylor

    Richard Taylor


    Perfectly pleasant place to stay, the rooms are clean and comfortable without being ostentatious. The host (Courtney) is very amiable and full of chat. Wasn't impressed with the food but it didn't affect the whole ambience. If you're into Birdwatching it's a great place to stay if you're heading to the Blue Mountains and Hardwar Gap.

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