Macau Gaming Lounge & Bar i Kingston

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Lindsay Crescent, Kingston, JM Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-925-6395
Latitude: 18.026481, Longitude: -76.802554
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Kommentar 5

  • Jescinth Williams

    Jescinth Williams


    Dining in a upstairs, out door atmosphere. Pleasant host and hostesses..we were greeted warmly and promptly seated..Orders were taken and meal served within reasonable timing though it was a busy Friday night. The meals were delicious, I would definitely revisit in a hurry to try other meals listed on the menu. The temperature on arrival was high, no fault of the restaurant, it is summer, but cooled down a bit as twilight approaches. Overall a great place to dine.

  • Cecile A. N. McCormack

    Cecile A. N. McCormack


    Nice open air ambiance in the heart of the half Way Tree/Dunrobin Ave Area. Easy access, ample parking, safe environment. I enjoyed my pasta. My waiter for the night was very attentive and served us well. Will recommend to everyone as an overall good experience, great Friday evening spot and great value for money

  • Tracey Mair

    Tracey Mair


    Great location and ambiance. The service was welcoming. The gaming lounge had a wide variety of games to choose from although I do not gamble. Didn't have anything to eat but the menu was quite diverse.

  • Asharee Campbell

    Asharee Campbell


    This is the spot to lyme away the hours!! Accessible while in the city and has a rooftop bar and lounge area if you don't want to go in to eat or play. Proper grown folks spot. I enjoyed the drinks and the food. The service is great as well. Birthday parties or whatever, it's a spot to choose.

  • Akeela Marin

    Akeela Marin


    It's a cool chill spot. The seating is generally in the open under the sky. This is a really nice spot if you're into star gazing but it was unexpectedly warm for an outdoor venue. The food was okay. I had the jerk chicken pasta and while it didn't make me feel all tingly inside it was tasty. The huge screens on the wall makes it a good place to watch sports if you're looking for somewhere to watch a big game.

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