Majestic Smiles Dental - 3-Miles w Kingston

JamaicaMajestic Smiles Dental - 3-Miles



🕗 godziny otwarcia

11, Majestic Pen Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-221-0218
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.998904, Longitude: -76.8283017

komentarze 5

  • Petrona Keane

    Petrona Keane


    Dr. Barras and her staff are warm, personable, and made me feel extremely cared for throughout my time with them. It’s clear that Dr. Barras is experienced and knowledgeable. I felt at ease throughout my appointment and look forward to going again in the future! Ms. Keane

  • Christal Donegan

    Christal Donegan


    My third time here and each experience was better than the last! At 8+ months pregnant, I experienced excruciating wisdom tooth pain and I was guided appropriately to get each extraction done. The entire staff was patient, gentle , caring and friendly! I recommend them to anyone seeking professional, quality dental care at a VERY AFFORDABLE cost. Thank you Raechell-ann and team! You've earned a life-long client.

  • Equatorial Eclectic

    Equatorial Eclectic


    The practice is extremely professional, the staff is well trained and knowledgeable about all facets of dentistry. My humble opinion is that after working for NYU Dental for several years, DR Barras is a outstanding caring oral health care practitioner. She also has been blessed with the patience of dealing with the very old and very young which is rare.......

  • Kadion Green

    Kadion Green


    the staff was customer friendly they continue checking on me before I get to the location which was really nice. the dentist was really great still not in pain she walked me through the process and she treated me as a kid lol and I loved every moment.

  • Thee Charizma

    Thee Charizma


    First let me say the staff was welcoming. Customer service is amazing. The environment is clean and comfortable. Did I mention the service was reasonable (health insurance covered everything). I took my daughter to get an extraction and it went smoothly. The mission was executed with care and patience. Check them out, you won't be disappointed.

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