Mandeville Dental Surgery w Mandeville

JamaicaMandeville Dental Surgery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

37, Main Street, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-962-3940
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0413635, Longitude: -77.5054227

komentarze 5

  • Darian Henry (GamezJahmekya.)

    Darian Henry (GamezJahmekya.)


    Very nice lady and professional dental surgeon would recommend everyone here

  • L. Edson

    L. Edson


    I extracted a tooth and the experience was horrendous. I was injected and left while the dentist attended to an acquaintance who came suddenly and needed immediate attention. Poor equipment was used, nothing to keep the mouth open during the extraction ( my jaws dragged and pulled apart during the procedure harshly) and I was left with bruises on the inside and outside of my mouth from harsh grabbing the mouth and lips. No advice as to what to do after the extraction. I had to Google the information about "After tooth extraction " when i got home. Was told put some ice on it by one of the employees. I Would never ever use or recommend the service.

  • Marlon 100%

    Marlon 100%


    The service is very efficient

  • Melissa Cameron

    Melissa Cameron


    It my second time pulling a tooth here and I would recommend anybody 💯% I’m a coward when it come to pain n needles I must admit but she makes it so painless and easy 😊amazing staffs as well

  • Javie _fx

    Javie _fx


    It was the worst experience ever. It was so painful and excruciating. I can remember when the lady was using this drill to drill my tooth out with no pain reliever. I cried so hard and I want to cry again even now trying this. I seriously do not recommend anyone to use this place. Worst place I've ever went.

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