Max Value Supermarket (Jerry) w Santa Cruz

JamaicaMax Value Supermarket (Jerry)



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-9, Institution Drive, Santa Cruz, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-966-3459
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0544351, Longitude: -77.6982898

komentarze 5

  • Lela Clarke

    Lela Clarke


    Love this place for shopping. Customer service experience with employees are ok some are willing to help. Also, employers and employees could try smiling a little more. Very important aspect to remember that Customers makes business growth and advances to the next level. I always visited when I'm around. To each is own.😀

  • Althea Forbes

    Althea Forbes


    My shopping 🛍 experience is always good,items are reasonable,the place is spacious and comfortable customer service is excellent 👌

  • Daniel A

    Daniel A


    During my trip to Jamaica, I had the chance to visit Max Value Supermarket in Santa Cruz. It was a fantastic experience! The store offers a wide variety of fresh produce, high-quality meats, and diverse products, making it easy to find everything I needed. The staff was friendly and always ready to help, ensuring that my visit was a pleasant one. The store's convenient location and well-kept facilities added to its appeal. With great reviews and a strong reputation, Max Value Supermarket is definitely the go-to spot for a wonderful shopping experience in Santa Cruz, Jamaica.

  • Nicole Townsend

    Nicole Townsend


    Well organized, clean, I can find almost anything I need here. Always a pleasant experience 🙏

  • Gayon Senior

    Gayon Senior


    Workers are pleasant for the most part. Started shopping here recently. Parking is good. They have a discount offer which you can sign up for. I missed out on it last visit; I was told that the particular cashier I went to system was not set up to redeem the discount. There is always someone to pack your bag and take it to the parking lot. The vegetables and fruits area is significantly lacking. Needs improvement there. Everything else is good..

najbliższy Supermarket

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