Montego Bay #1 Post Office w Montego Bay

JamaicaMontego Bay #1 Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

38, Saint James Street, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-857-9183
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4746638, Longitude: -77.9228965

komentarze 5

  • Donneisha Hitchman

    Donneisha Hitchman


    I was given a phone number for the establishment by a representative there and I've been calling for hours and no answer

  • Gia's Care

    Gia's Care


    I must say when it comes on to customer service I’m indeed a professional and I’m not please with service any at all. I’m expecting a package and I call before I left home to find out if the package has arrived. I was asked if I received a message stating that my package is there. I called 2 more times and was told that once I don’t receive a message it’s not there. I called a couple minutes before closing time and was told that my package is there after sitting home all day to get my item . I will definitely ship with knutsford next time

  • Cake Face

    Cake Face


    Literally the most disgusting place. Act like you a beg them fi pick up or send off a piece a package! You go inside and everybody taking their own time walking and acting like they are doing something, slowly. Not paying any of the customers any mind.

  • Toni-Ann Cowan

    Toni-Ann Cowan


    Excellent service and staff. Love that they offered zipmail services and had a security guard. The atmosphere was nice and the building is spacious. Accessible by wheelchair, not much space for parking though.

  • Oshaine



    Not generally a good post office. Sometimes you come to get your packages and they tell you it's not here and then you check back in a couple weeks or days. The date that is on the package suggests that it was there from the time you originally checked. The staff seem generally lazy to get up and go look for your mail/package. No seating is available though you sometimes have to wait. I'm young so generally not a problem. What about our elderly and sick? Pregnant women maybe? Very dirty also. Can I give less than 1 star?

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