Ocho Rios Jerk Center w Ocho Rios

JamaicaOcho Rios Jerk Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

14, DaCosta Drive, Ocho Rios, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-974-2549
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4044959, Longitude: -77.1059591

komentarze 5

  • Alexia



    Definitely among the best jerk spots in Jamaica. I love that it’s conveniently located in Ocho Rios, ample parking and great ambience. The staff were friendly and helpful and the overall facilities were clean. My friends and I all enjoyed our meals which were reasonably easy priced

  • Nathan Sublet

    Nathan Sublet


    Drinks were good, food was good and this was an easy stop along the way. Everything was good until we went to pay the bill. Using current conversation rates ($1 USD = $155.40 JMD) this bill should be $102.73 (USD), not $133.04. Pay close attention and know your totals because these people will try to swindle you out of extra money.

  • CR



    We got takeaway after a day out at Dunns River. We got 2 x jerk platters and a side of rice&peas, large fries. The meat platter included jerk pork, jerk chicken and sausage. The pork was nice and juicy however we got a lot of fatty pieces. The jerk chicken was good as well but nothing special. The sausage was below average. We only got 1 small pot of jerk sauce for the two meals. Overall the food was okay but can definitely get better from the roadside vendors

  • Melissa Barronton

    Melissa Barronton


    We had a fantastic experience here! The food was delicious- have to try the festival bread. The open air dining is fantastic for being in Jamaica and the service was great. We got here before 12 and it wasn’t crowded but started to fill up. Try the red stripe with lemonade!

  • Sam



    It’s a decent place, frequented by a lot of people, just that it didn’t live up to my expectations. The jerk pork was tough and dry and didn’t come with any sides for a dish at 1500 Jmd. The food quantity was comparatively less. I have had jerk port at other places including at a famous restaurant and they gave a good platter at the same price. The service is slow and only a few seating has fan and it was a hot day. Could have been better & had a lot of expectations from this place.

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