One Stop Customs Clearance Centre i Kingston

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3, Industrial Terrace, 13, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-923-6419
Latitude: 17.971794, Longitude: -76.808027
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Kommentar 5

  • Sean Sander

    Sean Sander


    Safe, secure, clean, and friendly. Everyone here is friendly. Plenty security. Lots of secure parking.

  • Janet Dunstan

    Janet Dunstan


    Not very coordinated customs officers behave like they doing patrons a favor . Its time they stop doing their own business before they attend to the persons waiting . people who come in after you get their barrels before you . It needs to be more professional and stop serving their friends and personal interests first

  • cutie pie

    cutie pie


    I give this place 100%...the process was smooth. Customer service awesome... During my visit there I got text on my phone giving me details of the next process and where to go or do. I didnt have to ask for assistance!!! Just great man. I didnt know place like this exist in Jamaica. Great service!!!

  • Maureen Scott

    Maureen Scott


    I spent less than two hours at One Stop Customs Clearance Center. I was amazed at the level of service received. From the Shipping Co, to Manifest and Warehouse, Cashier and Gate pass, it was excellent service. Thanks for your help and service.

  • Judith Smith Richards

    Judith Smith Richards


    Spent over 7 hours there. The process needs to be reviewed and be more efficient. To have so much manpower over (approx. 140 persons) using up so much time (an average of 8 hours) really affects the level of productivity of a country and certainly facilitate growth.

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