PC Shop Ltd. i Kingston

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94, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-978-9106
Hjemmeside: www.pcshopja.com
Latitude: 18.0211293, Longitude: -76.7718812
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Kommentar 5

  • Shantia Simms

    Shantia Simms


    I got my phone fixed here and got it back in quick time. It was affordable and they seem very trustworthy.

  • Zhaedon Swaby

    Zhaedon Swaby


    Awful. The technician tried to rob me. I had a issue with my lcd video cable on ma laptop. After his diagnosis he said that I'd have to change the entire screen. Which by his estimate was 40 grand. Which was funny cause the when I checked online the screen cost less than 8 grand. I brought it to another technician and changed the lcd video cable for less than 4 grand. Don't waste you money......he's a crook

  • Nel Blanken

    Nel Blanken


    I arrived after 5 pm but was facilitated nicely. However the elevator apparently is stopped at 5 so had to ascend and descend flights of stairs with my not-so-well functioning knees. Should remember next time to come within elevator office hours.

  • Anthony Myers

    Anthony Myers


    Wide variety of computer related items. Reasonably priced. Would recommend.

  • Rohan Dixon

    Rohan Dixon


    One of the best computer and electronics store in Jamaica. Need that hard to find serial connector? This is the place. Friendly knowledgeable staff.

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