Photo Express Ltd w Kingston

JamaicaPhoto Express Ltd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shop 36 Primier Plaza, 14c Constant Srping Road, Kingston 10, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-6220
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.014204, Longitude: -76.797448

komentarze 5

  • Ranteen Dixon

    Ranteen Dixon


    I bought two of the same electronic device online but they would not turn on after trying several new batteries. I went over 8 electronic stores and they all said the devices were defective but when I went to Photo Express they solved the issue and it worked. Apparently the + and - signs were labelled incorrectly when the device was manufactured. All I had to do is turn the battery the opposite side. I was assisted by a elderly Chinese man. Thank you Photo Express for solving the issue.

  • Jhannel Tomlinson

    Jhannel Tomlinson


    Wide array of frames in varying sizes to suit your individual needs.

  • Ricardo Houslin

    Ricardo Houslin


    Been going to this place for years now and it's my first option for taking passport size pictures, printing and framing pictures. The prices are very reasonable... $350 for two professionally done passport size pictures. The staff is also friendly and helpful. Wouldn't trade them for anywhere.

  • Andrea Wichterich

    Andrea Wichterich


    They could not even provide us with the right size of passport Fotos.we asked d.ont cut and is it for German passport,for sure they said!Result: the Embassy send us back,we went than to Bryans Fotoshop and voila i t my money back!

  • Kadeem Brown

    Kadeem Brown


    I could get multiple customized or passport sized pictures for reasonable cost. The waiting time is excellent in comparison to others in the field. There is also interesting decor there as well. They sell a lot of things relating to media devices/ photography as well

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