Pizza Hut Jamaica i Kingston

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Barbican Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-978-4126
Latitude: 18.0311566, Longitude: -76.7760421
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Kommentar 5

  • Yuri Dixon

    Yuri Dixon


    Great food but very slow service consistently with bad customer service, you can barely get them on any of their contact numbers and when you do place an order it is guaranteed to be almost always severely late

  • Julia Pike

    Julia Pike


    Its not bad! But mi heart belong to Dominoes 😋

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    Love the food. Call in before hand and just go in pay and take home in quick time.

  • Rajeen Brown

    Rajeen Brown


    The pizza is fine, but this is my third time ordering wings and in all honesty, it is horrible. They should just stick the pizza making and leave the wings alone. I do enjoy their pizza and buy their on a regular basis but I regret buying the wings completely.

  • Alexandra Daley

    Alexandra Daley


    If I feel to order Pizza Hut, I ALWAYS order from Barbican Centre. There is a difference! The slices are more wholesome, the pizza just tastes fresher. Go to order is the Amazing Four with BBQ sauce for 1950. Can’t imagine ordering from anywhere else. And they are consistent with their orders - haven’t had a bad order. However that promotion they had with the cheesy bites or whatever it was called (that’s why they got a 4/5) was not pleasing to my eyes or my stomach. The crust (cheesy bites) was well done and the pizza couldn’t hold its triangular shape so it fell apart. Learn to learn from that - stick to the evil that you know and don’t follow fads/trends. Side note: the customer service I would give a 3/5 though.

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