PriceSmart w Kingston




🕗 godziny otwarcia

19, Red Hills Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0414425, Longitude: -76.8150607

komentarze 5

  • Garshel Kelly

    Garshel Kelly


    It's better to shop in the actual store than to use the click and go option. Ordered stuff online and I didn't even get it on the requested day even though the cash came out of my account days before. You definitely have to check your receipt and the amount of money that came out of your account because sometimes you don't get all the items that you paid for, yet they still charge you for stuff that you never received. It's hard to sort out your queries via phone and it's a miracle if you call and get them. I prefer the Portmore branch over the Kingston one by far.

  • Mish Rhoomes

    Mish Rhoomes


    Went through the 'click&go' section which is advertised as being convenient. They pretty much seemed to have misplaced my order and this is after informing me that my order is ready for pickup. Turns out the employee searching for the order simply over looked it several times over. Ridiculous! This organisation is too large to be operating in such a way. Wasted 2 hrs of my time and for what.

  • Jessica Lamey

    Jessica Lamey


    One stop shop. It's close to home and conveniently stocked with all you need in one place. Despite the several cashiers, it's often tedious lines to cash and exit. Friendly and helpful staff. Some items when they goes out of stock TAKES too long to restock.

  • SekeasaZaire Thomas

    SekeasaZaire Thomas


    I gave 2 stars because of the customer service i received today. While i was being checked out, my cashier was busy chatting up a storm with her cashier mate. I never appreciated the lack of attention i received. While trying to ask multiple questions and being shunned at every question or barely answering or not being loud enough i had to ask her to repeat herself multiple times. Liken listen girl it takes nothing at all to be nice. I wasnt feeling very well and i didnt take out my frustration in you if anything i was being super friendly to you but i said nothing because i really wasn't in a good mood. I wouldnt like to have said this but maybe if my skin colour was different or my accent was different i would have received better treatment. See my trolly below a no beg me come de come beg!

  • Lori Bee

    Lori Bee


    The opening hours have been updated due to curfew measures. Tip: if you have to shop on the weekend, go early Sunday morning. You'll be in and out with the freshest produce. Went this morning (April 8, 2021) for their 6am opening time as posted on their website; they didn't open until 6:15am which was irritating. However I was out by 6:45. No lines, just walked up to the cashier.

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