ProDental Care w Kingston

JamaicaProDental Care


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

13, West Kings House Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-886-8589
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0210939, Longitude: -76.79413

komentarze 5

  • Jamaican Perspective

    Jamaican Perspective


    Great service! Friendly staff. Really cool and knowledgeable doctor. Communicated and reassured along the way.

  • Ryan Chin

    Ryan Chin


    Prodental care treatment of myself was very much up to standard to which I was expecting being I had dealt wit before.. not withstanding the service.. offerings.. nn price point to the care was within my expectation..nn believe me I did alot waa also offered which I was not expecting.. thanks ..oh p.s. how could I make this post without proper thanking the dentist of my care ms.C..Brown

  • Violet Edwards

    Violet Edwards


    From scheduling even emergency appointments, examining, diagnosing and fixing dental issues, ProDental Care lives up to its name every time and in every way. So, if you value expertise and professionalism; if you want to feel safe, relaxed, valued and appreciated; if you have any dental needs you want to be taken care of, then ProDental Care is the place to go. Like me, you will leave feeling happy, satisfied, grateful that you were in such good hands and what is especially wonderful is that it won't cost you a fortune.

  • Cecile HoSang

    Cecile HoSang


    So fresh and so clean! Had my check up and cleaning with Dr. Brown and Shannoya always, I'm very satisfied with how gentle but thorough she is. Dr. Brown is big on educating you about maintaining your dental care and oral hygiene, and gives advice for any concerns you have. I bring my whole family to her. A clean, quite office/ location with courteous staff is also a big plus!

  • Joseph Neil

    Joseph Neil


    Most comfortable cleaning I have ever had! Very thorough and patient! Thank you!

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