Redbones Blues Cafe i Kingston

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1, Argyle Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-978-6091
Latitude: 18.009971, Longitude: -76.7794848
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Kommentar 5

  • Tavia Pinnock

    Tavia Pinnock


    Disappointed me. I waited over an hour to be served my wings. Maybe it was that I was alone or didn't't have the right skin or status because I noticed non-locals and their friends who came after me got served rather quickly. Nonetheless, the gallery and live music is terrific. It is cozy and the food is on the pricier side. Not sure how it tastes because I left in frustration of not getting my order. I've not returned since. Lots of great live music and galleries in Jamaica to pine over one spot.

  • Marlon Williams

    Marlon Williams


    The food was great. Had an good time listening to the live band.

  • Alva Brough

    Alva Brough


    Really cool venue. Open mike poetry brilliant. Service attentive but slow.

  • Donna Hope

    Donna Hope


    The Ambiance was very good to Jazz and Blues feeling music good music playing and it's more like Jazz and Blues setting the food is good there as well..nice

  • O'Neill Gordon-Smith

    O'Neill Gordon-Smith


    Great restaurant. Great bar. Great bar food. Excellent spot to meet friends or have a dinner date

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