ReneeNailz i Kingston

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ReneeNailz Central Plaza, Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-421-4177
Latitude: 18.014276, Longitude: -76.798
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Kommentar 5

  • Island Cookie

    Island Cookie


    Pros: The salon is small but well kept, beautifully decorated, air-conditioned, and peaceful. An oasis in the hustle and bustle of halfway tree. Renee definitely lives up to the reputation established by her Instagram account and her skill justifies the price. Truly an artist. I'll definitely be going back, however I can't honestly give 5 stars. Seating in the waiting area is quite comfortable, but the cute plastic chairs for clients are very uncomfortable. Customer service is also somewhat lacking. Renee has a strong personality that could be misinterpreted, however it's easy to tell she's a passionate business woman. Her assistants however...... I arrived at 11am and was seen immediately , however i didnt leave until after 4pm. The assistant spent hours shaping my nails. If Renee didn't get annoyed and take over, I'd probably close the shop with them. Also, i was quite disappointed to learn that they do not do designs on "short" nails. I wish that was posted on the page because that's the whole reason I chose them. If you like your nails any shorter than what's posted on the page, be prepared for some great shaping but plain polish.

  • Shen Doug

    Shen Doug


    Let me begin by saying the work she does is great. But when it comes on to customer service it needs improvement! And the way she talks to her employees is very disgusting and degrading!. I'm not sure if she was just having a bad day but as a business owner it is your duty that your customers feel welcomed. I traveled from far to get my nails done at this place because I fell inlove with the work she posted on Instagram. But as soon as I walked in the atmosphere was so tense as it was close to closing time. I felt like such a burden as though I wasn't a paying customer. There was a mix up with the front desk worker with regards to the services I wanted done. And the owner confronted the front desk worker right there and then in front of me. As if I was lying. Anyways in the end I travelled 3 thousand miles to get mediocre work done because she just wanted to rush me out I guess.

  • Lisa Hyde

    Lisa Hyde


    Renee is the best... her customer service is the best!! The staff is great, very pleasant and friendly! Awesome service, awesome nails, awesome location... the shop is beautiful!! You won’t regret it!!

  • Brigette Hudson

    Brigette Hudson


    Renee is awesome. Very talented, creative and passionate about what she does. Her nail salon is nicely decorated, clean, comfortable and in a very convenient location. She also holds her assistants to a very high standard. My nails are always nicely done and I always love my birthday nails especially. Highly recommended.

  • Renee Lawrence

    Renee Lawrence


    The best in town, always slay my nails Great customer service.

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