Reve Jewellery & Accessories i Kingston

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26, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-908-2498
Latitude: 18.014062, Longitude: -76.790303
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Kommentar 3

  • David Louis

    David Louis


    Fell in awe at first sight with the lovely Mrs. Tessea B and her brothers artwork.. Oh and thanks for the history lesson Tessea (Three lady rebels of Virgin Islands)

  • lexie mclymont

    lexie mclymont


    Stopped in the shop the other night and had a great consumer experience. They have beautifully designed jewelry pieces and an allure of different local products from other local entrepreneurs. You will def come out of this shop feeling like a queen and planning for the next visit. Highly recommended.

  • Kym McCulley

    Kym McCulley


    beautifully designed bespoke pieces that has everyone every where I go asking, where did you get that? Reve of course.

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