Rolly Polly Ice cream w Kingston

JamaicaRolly Polly Ice cream



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15, Eastwood Park Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-775-6384
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0131089, Longitude: -76.7994563

komentarze 5

  • Angeline Jackson

    Angeline Jackson


    My first Rolly Polly experience was with the store in Ocho Rios, it was an exciting experience, the service was great and the product delicious. My experience with the Kingston store (two times) was not disappointing. The ice cream rolls were just as delicious. I also had the açaí bowl which was pretty decent (though I didn't quite like the coconut milk version). This location is spacious and has a lot of seats. I'll definitely be visiting Rolly Polly again.

  • Thandika Bryan

    Thandika Bryan


    I am definitely going back. They have affordable prices and just the whole experience of watching them prepare the rolls infront of you in like five minutes is extremely satisfying. The taste great taste is the cherry on the top.

  • Joniel Gyles

    Joniel Gyles


    Absolutely loved this place! When you hear fried ice cream it does cause you to raise your eyebrows a lil bit, (that's what i ordered) n no its not done in oil lol it was bomb, going back to try some other stuff on the menu., there's gourmet coffee, milkshakes, cake etc. etc. very clean and manicured facility, great customer service, great ambiance 5 mins out of half way tree, perfect for both the young and old, for date or just some family time out😊

  • Linnea Crossbourne

    Linnea Crossbourne


    Very affordable, lots of variety, speedy yet entertaining service, and very clean and friendly atmosphere. They also have vegan recipes available at a higher cost but it's a great taste with coconut milk used as the cream. I would recommend here for maybe couples getting to know each other or even being together for years, families and friends chilling out.

  • Sheena-Kay McFarlane

    Sheena-Kay McFarlane


    My husband and I chose to visit on the way from church before 2pm on a Sunday. Place was empty. Awesome! I got to ask all my questions and the answers were given with all patience. Then the gentleman who was to roll my ice cream asked it was my first time and got to making my ice cream like it was to give me a great impression of the experience. Great! Took less than 5 minutes to be rolled. I got to choose 1of 4 syrups: chocolate, caramel, strawberry or pineapple followed by 1 of numerous toppings to include raisins, gummies, peanuts, sprinkles, cheers... Yummy! My ice cream of choice was the black forrest (real black forrest cake) and Baileys (real Baileys)... With strawberry syrup and gummies. *Crescendo* 🎶🎶🎶 Hubby chose Coffee and Baileys with caramel syrul and peanut topping. If I were to change anything it would be to switch the gummies with raisins because cold gummies take too long for me to chew through while focusing on enjoying my rolled ice cream.🍦😋

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