Round Hill Hotel and Villas w Montego Bay

JamaicaRound Hill Hotel and Villas



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John Pringle Drive, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-956-7050
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4584851, Longitude: -78.0114185

komentarze 5

  • Mark Hakansson

    Mark Hakansson


    Loved it 😄 Very special place.

  • Joseph D

    Joseph D


    I must say Round Hill Hotel And Villas is one of the best hotels in the world from the decor to the staff entertainment comfort beauty the list goes on and on, I would like to personally thank some staff members who made our baby-moon vacation memorable, Kiran, Mark, Martin the best chef!, Joy, Junior, Owen, thanks for such a special stay we will be back Joseph & Estella.

  • Mark Hakansson

    Mark Hakansson


    Amazing hotel ....great staff and stunning rooms and views.

  • Kay W

    Kay W


    There is a reason why this place remains #1. I had an amazing dining experience here. I met 6 guests here and we all agreed. They had been dinning here for over 8 years . It happened to be Jamaican night and I was in for a treat. Every dish was perfectly plated and done to perfection. The atmosphere was magical . It rained and staff was able to move us to the upper deck seamlessly. White glove service .

  • Jacquelyn Cobbs

    Jacquelyn Cobbs


    I recently had the pleasure of staying at Round Hill Hotel & Villas. The property is absolutely gorgeous and boast lusch tropical gardens, manicured landscapes and a private beach. Upon arrival we were greeted by the friendly and professional staff. The service was impeccable. The staff was accommodating and showed true Jamaican hospitality. Every interaction with the staff was plesant. The oceanfront suite was comfortable and the view was breathtaking. The atmosphere was relaxing. The food was very tasty. The beach front Jamaican barbecue was a great experience. It was exactly what I imagined a dinner on the beach would be. The resort has several menus; satisfying the most discerning palates. The property host a complimentary tea and provides an array of complimentary water sports. My only recommendation is more ventilation in the bathrooms to control humidity and improve the cooling of the room. Will be back next year.

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