Sagicor Bank Jamaica Ltd.- Head Office w Kingston 5

JamaicaSagicor Bank Jamaica Ltd.- Head Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

17, Dominica Drive, Kingston 5, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-960-2340
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0061007, Longitude: -76.7894601

komentarze 5

  • Kerwens Joseph

    Kerwens Joseph


    Has anyone ever found them on the phone yet? They block my online banking over a nonsense and I’ve been calling them for months cause I can’t go to the branch, everyone is always serving other customers like I’m not one. And I end up going far from where I live just to know my balance. I wish I could give it 0. Preposterous!

  • Annette Webb Samuels

    Annette Webb Samuels


    So my new love is SAGICOR Bank. In particular my branch at Dominica Drive. The mood in the branch is light and airy, staff are friendly, professional and super efficient, opening my account there was so easy. Their Sagicor ebanking platform is very user friendly and secure. Their ATM machines are always clean and working. Sagicor is a good corporate citizen, and have some of the best products and interest rates in the market. I highly recommend them.

  • L mb

    L mb


    My husband had the pleasure of interacting Ms Cunningham. The service was excellent! Staff is pleasant and knowledgeable.

  • Kaye-Ann Duval

    Kaye-Ann Duval


    They charged me late fee of $2650 on $1:30 . I wrote a letter asking them to have it revoked, and many moons later, not even a response. I figured the bank manager at liguanea only told me to write the letter to get me out the branch. I will be turning in my credit card. That's dishonesty. How can you charge a late fee on $1:30 set of thieves

  • L. Nicole Brown

    L. Nicole Brown


    It's always a pleasure using this bank. The layout of their branches is very welcoming, light and airy filled with quotes on success, happiness and goals. The staff are generally wonderful as well.

najbliższy Bank

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