Sandcastles Jamaica w Ocho Rios

JamaicaSandcastles Jamaica



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Main Street, Ocho Rios, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 800-849-8119
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4067558, Longitude: -77.1078573

komentarze 5

  • Kelly Ludford

    Kelly Ludford


    Nice place. Apartment is clean and inviting. However, more towels needed and shower gels/shampoo. Location is peaceful and centrally located to nearby stores/shops.

  • Davya Jeffrey

    Davya Jeffrey


    Location is actually in the heart of the town.. The room, my cousin requested a king-size bed with a balcony view, but she got a ground floor with two twin size beds in the room and no couch bed as stated. Other than that, the place is good so far, the pool is well kept, the environment is also well kept and so far secure. Breakfast is light, the room have AC, internet, cable, and own little kitchen. Out of 5, I will give it a 4 because the other issues were minor.

  • Kato Vi

    Kato Vi


    Ideal location. Walking distance from shops and restaurants . Nice beach behind as well. The rooms vary. Water was off for hours during our stay. this interfered with our plans

  • Tracen



    Great spot, right by the beach. You get free access to the Ocho Rios Bay Beach. If you need a ride some where or an airport transfer I highly recommend Cox Tours and Taxi service. He was the best driver that we had in our stay in Jamaica.

  • Fergal Sean Macmahon

    Fergal Sean Macmahon


    We love Sandcastles. The area is great, great people running the bar at the pool. Jerry supplies great food, authentic Jamaican, at a reasonable price. The apartments vary between good, modern to quite dated and ill-equipped. Close to the beach. If you're looking for ultra-modern, state of the art, Sandcastles is not for you. If you want to mingle with the locals, eat authentic food, it's worth a visit.

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