Scotchies w Montego Bay



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

F4G4+GF2, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4762562, Longitude: -77.8938453

komentarze 5

  • Marcos Cova

    Marcos Cova


    Awesomely good tasting Chicken Jerk and Pork Jerk. Not cheap, but definitely delicious. We got some to share in a group... we should've gotten much more! Recommended!

  • Shamoy Bennett

    Shamoy Bennett


    This restaurant is the worst place you could ever go I don't see the difference between garbage and thier food me and my boyfriend gave the dog's that we saw at the restaurant the food. Do you guy ever clean the grill or thought of a different way to make the food because from 1 to 10 I will definitely give this place zero if you want a bad dinner directly go at this place. The sitting area reminds me of when driving pass a garbage truck do better and try to look better

  • Irving Torres

    Irving Torres


    The food was not as good as we were told at the airport. I love me some Jerk chicken so theirs was not what I expected in taste and we ordered a 1/4 which was a small portion compared to the street vendors. Their menu prices are high with small portions of food.. I ordered a small fries for my son and the portion they gave us McDonald's would shame them. I can't imagine what a large fries would look like. Our refreshments were warm. With that said good luck. We went by word of mouth so Scotchies is not for me

  • Ej Davis

    Ej Davis


    Pretty great! It seems like the spices are turned down a bit for the tourists, but the sauces available help offset that. Certainly a good stop to make if you're coming to Jamaica!

  • Chloe Alix

    Chloe Alix


    Hard to judge because they were out of almost everything. Pork was ok. Super super greasy food. I wouldn’t go back.

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