Shopper's Fair Supermarket w Spanish Town

JamaicaShopper's Fair Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

92, Brunswick Avenue, Spanish Town, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-618-0884
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0132133, Longitude: -76.9715899

komentarze 5

  • Edward



    Picked up a few things here, great customer service.

  • Celisha Beckford

    Celisha Beckford


    Best customer service of all the branches. My bags were perfectly packed.

  • Kaydian N Kerr

    Kaydian N Kerr


    Large aisle, packed shelves, friendly and helpful staff, loyalty points system. On average I spend 60 -120 minutes in the supermarket shopping considering the lines are long on shopping days (Weekends). Be prepared to pack your own 🛍 after paying for them. For the holidays, there's a nice xmas booth where you and family are able to take pictures. #nice

  • Bethlyn A “BAB” Bryan

    Bethlyn A “BAB” Bryan


    The store is overcrowded with goods. Some stuff could remain in the storeroom and brought out to supplement as needed. Cashiers stand and gossip during change over while you are waiting in line to cash out. Just an average supermarket that's a bit overstocked with limited space for shoppers to maneuver.

  • Marc Ww

    Marc Ww


    Typical variety for a supermarket with fruits 🍉🍌, vegetables, meats🍤🍖, small wine 🍷 and liqueur 🍻 🍾, some basic typical pastries 🍰🍦choices, toiletries cleaning products. Reasonable prices $generally for a place that opens late. A big Supermarkets with a number of cashiers Parking is shared in a plaza with a Pharmacy and is a fair size parking lot. Clean and Good layout of items. Produce is usually fresh. There is a Paymaster for bill payments located inside.

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