Simma Soupery & Bakery i Kingston

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Old Hope Road, Kingston, Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-622-7353
Latitude: 18.0191851, Longitude: -76.7625267
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Kommentar 5

  • Debi Chin

    Debi Chin


    Omg! I love the Veggie Corn Soup, the large is a full meal by itself.

  • Chevon Newman

    Chevon Newman


    I have only been here once and tried only one dish but the place is standard and the food was standard. The flavor of the food reminds me of American food with its basic seasoning with no strong taste. Many of the dishes had plenty of cheese. However i really loved the staff, very nice people.

  • Danielle Powell

    Danielle Powell


    I like that there are so many soup options and they are really quite tasty .the menu overall is really quite good and the staff is friendly and the wait time isn't very long.

  • Lushus Richards

    Lushus Richards


    A variety of great tasting soup available daily. The quinoa and black bean salad is delicious

  • Audrey Wong

    Audrey Wong


    The menu is quite interesting and the service in the front was outstanding. However, I ordered a sandwich and the very friendly lady at the counter explained that I could choose which bread I wanted it on. So I asked for the specialty bread, a simma loaf and she asked Kevin in the kitchen if he could make it how I requested. When the sandwich finally came out, she apologized that it was made with a different bread and if I still wanted it. Of course I took it as she was so nice and yes, the sandwich was lovely.

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